Floating tray for dubai project for hotel pool

Are you looking to get a break from the summer heat? The pool is a great place to get the break you need from the summer heat. And if you are looking to be 100% comfortable in the pool, you need a floating pool tray to keep your company.

Do you know you can have a floatingbreakfast? Yes, you read that right. There is no better place to have your breakfast, lunch and dinner on a sweltering summer day than on the water. It could be a river, lake or your swimming pool. But the enjoyment of having your drink on the water can be cut short when you need to refill your favorite beverage.
Fortunately, we’ve got a simple solution to the problem because we can help you bring the bar with you to the pool. Yes. We can bring the bar and eatery to the pool for you. How? A floating pool tray gives you the easiest and quickest access to food and drinks while enjoying yourself in the water. While you are relaxing in the pool, you can have everything you need in the floating pool tray.

You can dine in exotic luxury in the pool, set sail a special brunch basket in your own private pool, have a sip of champagne and enjoy your well deserved weekend. In fact, you can live the ultimate tropical life: wake up, dip, eat and repeat. Life can’t be easier than this; if you want to relax, forget the hustle and bustle of life and enjoy your life to the fullest without leaving the comfort of your home, floatingbrunch can be the right item for you.

This product is made with the finest high anti-chlorine grade material durable for chlorine pools and seawater and weather. The tray is made with high-quality materials so you can set sail your breakfast and accompany it by juice, coffee, tea and a chilled bottle of Champagne.

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