Many people, including furniture salespersons, tend to believe that wicker furniture and rattan furniture are about the same. Although hanging wicker chairs and hanging rattan chairs fall under the same concept of hanging basket chairs, there is a remarkable difference between the two.
Rattan belongs to the palm family. So it is a specific material, highly suitable for furniture because it is light, durable and relatively flexible.
Wicker is the process used to weave various materials into the finished product. That means that wicker furniture can be made from different materials such as bamboo, straw, willow and even rattan. Recently, synthetic materials are also being used for manufacturing wicker furniture.
Should I go for natural or synthetic?
Natural rattan furniture is “natural” and therefore the first choice among the eco-friendly furniture product lovers. It is more unique than synthetic rattan furniture, but it is best when it’s kept in a dry location. In the indoor area every kind of rattan furniture is absolutely maintenance free.
Although rattan furniture is very lightweight and isn’t difficult to move or handle, taking it indoors or covering it with a furniture cover every time you think it might rain becomes a nuisance. A perfect place for a rattan hanging chair is inside the house or on a covered porch.
Want to hang a chair from a branch in the garden? Weather-resistant synthetic rattan or painted wicker furniture also called “all-weather wicker” is much more durable and looks just as elegant as that made from natural rattan, and can be used indoors as well as outdoors. The other big advantage of synthetic rattan hanging chair is that it’s very easy to care for and keep clean using just warm water and washing up liquid.
But even a swing chair made of poly rattan should be covered during heavy weather conditions. The synthetic rattan is indeed almost indestructible, but the metal parts of the seat or the frame can rust.
There are many perfectly designed models of wicker. No matter which of them according to your taste you choose, a hanging chair placed in the garden or in your own home allows you to relax after a long day.
If you chose a free-standing hanging rattan chair with a matching frame, you’ll have no more worries about how and where to purchase a suitable chair stand.
Contact us to get a collection of products / our furniture catalog, Or click here to see the collection of hanging swings, be it material or synthetic wicker natural rattan.
Alasan Mengapa Ayunan /Kursi Gantung Rotan Sintetis ?
Fungsi dan kualitas ayunan/kursi gantung sangatlah multi fungsi, banyak sekali, diantaranya :
- Dapat Anda tempatpatkan di indoor and outdoor, sesuai selera Anda
- Untuk menemani saat bersantai/berileksasi Anda
- Menghilangkan jenuh dan penat setelah seharian beractivitas
- Menjadikan Anda lebih asyik dan rileks saat sedang asyik membaca atau menonton televisi, baik itu membaca majalah, buku, kitab, surat kabar, dll.
- Kualitasnya terjamin kuat, kokoh dan tahan lama.
- Tahan panas dan hujan
- Mudah serta murah dalam perawatan
- Dan masih banyak lagi manfaat, fungsi serta kualitas yang lainnya.
Perawatan Ayunan Kursi Gantung dapat dibersihkan dengan menggunakan sabun, air dan sikat lembut. Untuk menjaga material plastik dalam kondisi prima, disarankan untuk membersihkannya setidaknya sekali setahun. Bilas dengan air bersih dan biarkan kering di udara terbuka atau keringkan dengan kain halus yang kering.
Mengapa Harus Ayunan Kursi Gantung Produk Rotan Jepara untuk kursi Villa/Hotel Anda:
- Rangka alumunium kursi yang ringan dan kuat.
- Garansi 1 day service jika lilitan lepas khusus Jepara
- Waktu produksi yang cepat dan tepat waktu
- Tidak ada minimum order
- Warna kursi yang tidak akan pudar sampai 5 tahun
- Banyak sekali model, bentuk serta warna, sehingga Anda dapat memilih sesuai keinginan Anda.
Hubungi kami segera customer service kami sekarang juga untuk konsultasi gratis! atau silahkan KLIK DISINI untuk melihat koleksi produk ayunan gantung dari kami.
NB : Kami juga siap mengaplikasikan Produk custom made desain dan model apapun itu.
- Head Office : Jl. Raya Jepara- Kudus Km 23. Ds. Pulodarat Rt/Rw. 21/02 Kec. Pecangaan Kab. Jepara Jawa Tengah 59462 Indonesia
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- E-mail : info.rotanjepara@gmail.com / inf0@rotanjepara.com
Indonesia Rattan Ayunan Kursi Gantung Furniture Rotan
Indonesia Furniture Ayunan Kursi Gantung untuk villa
Rattan Indonesia Ayunan Kursi Gantung untuk hotel
Hanging Chair Rattan Indonesia Ayunan Kursi Gantung untuk apartement
Furniture Rattan Ayunan Kursi Gantung untuk cluster
Furniture Jepara Ayunan Kursi Gantung untuk cafe dan resto
Ayunan Kursi Gantung untuk motel
Ayunan Kursi Gantung untuk resort
Hubungi Kami Rotan Jepara Furniturue
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