Aluminium, memiliki penampilannya yang hampir serupa dengan stainless steel, yang membedakannya adalah berat jauh lebih ringan. Selain itu, perabotan yang menggunakan aluminium cenderung lebih terjangkau dibandingkan dengan yang terbuat dari stainless steel. Meskipun lebih ringan dan lebih ekonomis, bahan ini tidak memiliki ketahanan yang setara dengan baja ringan.
Aluminium, sejenis logam putih keperakan dengan sifat konduktif dan termal yang baik, dan cenderung mudah dibentuk. Kekuatan, daya tahan, dan ketahanan korosi memungkinkannya untuk digunakan dalam berbagai kondisi cuaca, baik dalam ruangan maupun di luar.
Dalam hal perawatan, aluminium dapat dibersihkan dengan mudah hanya dengan menggunakan air dan deterjen. Namun, perlu diingat bahwa meskipun ringan, aluminium juga merupakan konduktor panas, sehingga perlu perlindungan tambahan jika ditempatkan di bawah sinar matahari langsung.
Sinar matahari dapat memudarkan warna aluminium, sehingga perlu lebih hati-hati jika digunakan di area yang terpapar angin yang cukup kencang.Aluminium disamping digunakan dalam beberapa perabotan rumah tangga seperti panci, wajan, toples, dan lainnya, saat ini juga sedang viral dan trending digunakan untuk rangka furniture, baik itu untuk kursi, meja, daybed, panel, gazebo, dll. Baik itu expose maupun non expose;
Adapun produk alumunium yang kami pakai untuk bahan baku produk kami adalah sbb :
28 Years of Quality and Trust
PT. Hanjaya Perkasa Metals Indonesia or widely known with the brand HP Metals is an Aluminium Extrusion Manufacturer which was first established in 1995, located in Ngoro Industri Persada in the city of Mojokerto, East Java. For over 28 years, we have offered wide-range of outstanding quality products and services, and has been the global supplier of Aluminium extrusion for Architectural & Building Construction, Electronics, Electrical Parts, Furniture, Automobile Parts, Industries, and General Profiles.
We have grown substantially and became the largest Aluminium Extrusion Company in East Java. Our factory occupies over 65000 m² of land in Ngoro, Mojokerto, with over 500 well-experienced workers and expatriates from China & Taiwan. HP Metals current annual capacity is 36.000 MT, and we are still planning to expand and keep innovating to provide the best for our customers.
With advanced machineries and equipment that are precisely handled by experts,allows us to produce wide-variety of shapes as well as durable finishing techniques. Our in-house tool and die shop is staffed by a team of professionals to assist in customized die designs. Moreover, with a systematically controlled process that allows HP Metals to be well-known in on-time deliveries.
We are determined to keep improving and always provide high-quality products as well as creating innovative, sustainable & reliable solutions, but most importantly with a fair & reasonable price.
6063 | 98.9% | Si 0.4 ; Mg 0.7
6005 | 98.7% | Si 0.8 ; Mg 0.5
6005A | 98.4% | Si 0.8 ; Mg 0.5 ; Mn 0.3
6060 | 98.9% | Si 0.4 ; Mg 0.5 ; Fe 0.2
6061 | 97.9% | Si 0.6 ; Mg 1.0 ; Cu 0.25 ; Cr 0.2
6101 | 98.9% | Si 0.5; Mg 0.6
- T0 : Annealed
- T4 : Solution heat treated and naturally
aged to a substantially stable condition - T5 : Cooled from an elevated temperature
shaping process and artificially aged - T6 : Solution heat treated and artificially aged
The selection of products manufactured by HP Metals are not only of the highest quality, but are also available in a variety of options to ensure you find exactly what you’re looking for. Providing more than 1000 various styles of sections with various diameter and thickness. With top-of-the-line materials, cuttingedge production technologies and a highly qualified team, we guarantee complete satisfaction.
We produce our very own premium Aluminium billets in our factory. Combining aluminium ingots and other materials to create an alloy. Our main products are Alloy 6063, 6061, 6005 and ADC 12, serving the demands of every customers. We also offer sales of billet upon request,